You probably have heard of some of these and some maybe not. These are for the heavy duty non bed-slinger/Cartesian printer builds. Which is why you are not seeing the SKR e3v3, max ez, etc those tend to not be for me.
Costs can be pretty consistent with all of these. The drivers or the need for RRF instead of Klipper can be the main culprit for higher cost.
So without delay, here we are!
First the BTT Kraken

Next we have the less popular but should be highly considered LDO Leviathan
Our Teams Picks additional picks
I am extremely curious and interested in this card and actually think I am going to acquire this card for my RatRig Hybrid Idex 400×400 build.
Extremely, Extremely underrated card. Crazy fast and capable of so much for its size. This card is the brainchild of the Voron community. Maximizing its capabilities while keeping an insanely small footprint.
Additional Kraken image giving additional specs. Be aware these cards are larger (some cases MUCH) than the mini skr series and even the max EZ.
Incredibly underrated Duet 3 Series. I am actually now considering this card again because the expansion allows for removeable drivers. Since I want to do a closed loop build this was critical. If you are looking to build a top notch, reliable large work horse. I cannot stress how much you should consider RRF. Especially now that they are able to get inspired by Klipper for their improvements etc.
Duet 2 Wifi. Absolute workhorse and reliably proven with thousands of printers operating to this day. I have even assisted two customers in which they decided on this card ultimately. My ender 5 Plus also utilizes this card with a 7inch paneldue.
The experience and feeling of accomplishment from this build cannot be expressed accurately. I got into 3D Printing in 2012 and remember when Duet first launched. I always lacked the know how and confidence. Just a pleasure to use and probably slightly bias to me.
By far the most recommended board via reddit or any general DIY 3DP community. Absolutely worth considering however I do ask you reconsider the LDO leviathan.